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Lily Cut® - 65 Facets


Lili Diamonds is a renowned world leader in the field of straight edged diamond manufacturers and widely known for its innovative special cuts, globally registered patents, such as Crisscut®, Crisscut® Cushion, Wondercut®, Meteor Cut®, Lily Cut® and Orchidea® Cut (the last two are only sold embedded into jewelry pieces  under Lili Jewelry) and many other unique designs.


Lily Cut® 外形:呈花形四瓣圓角 -切割面數目:69個


時至今日,Lili Diamonds已是全球業內數一數二的直邊鑽石生產商,其別出心裁的切割亦贏得不少美名,並已取得全球註冊專利保護,分別名為Crisscut®、Crisscut® Cushion、Wondercut®、Meteor Cut®、Lily Cut®及Orchidea® Cut (最後兩款切割只會配合Lili Jewelry旗下珠寶首飾出售)。品牌另有不少取得專利保護的特別設計。

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